About Us
Computer Friendly Associates, Inc. (CFA) develops website and database solutions for businesses and organizations. We are committed to high quality work, professional customer service, and adding value to your business.Contact Information
Phone: 773.489.5542Email: info@compfriend.com
Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 10 AM - 8 PM (CST)
We are also available to arrange meeting times for weekends and evenings.
Technical support to clients is also available during non-business hours.
Click here to contact us about ideas and options for your project. Free price estimates!
Values and Philosophy
Vision: Technological empowerment of businesses and organizations by providing website and database solutions. Combine form, function, and content into creative and useful information technology.
Mission: To help your business or organization succeed, we do the following:- Develop websites and database systems for businesses and organizations.
- Design websites to help market and support your business or organization.
- Provide user-friendly tools for data and content management.
- Create intuitive user-interfaces for both online and desktop database systems.
- Build effective and creative software.
We believe that these are the best ways for us to strengthen the companies and organizations that work so hard to enrich communities.
Experience: We have many years of professional experience: Small business, mid-sized companies, not-for-profit organizations, new businesses, international corporations, and Fortune 500 enterprises.
Integrity: Our reputation with our clients is one of respect, reliability, dedication, loyalty, continuous improvement, long-term commitment, and honesty.
Professionalism: We understand that your business is how you make a living for yourself and your family, the same is true for CFA. Your site will be built to be as competitive as possible and will reflect your vision of your business.
CFA Partners
Chris Gagliano
Chris Gagliano is a co-owner and has been programming computers since 1986.
He has worked full-time for Northwestern University Medical School,
United HealthCare, and Accenture.
Chris has extensive free-lance and consulting experience,
working for large, medium, and small companies and organizations.
He has been a computer and communications instructor for a community school
and a technical writer. He understands technical jargon and
communicates well with clients who do not have a programming or
computer background.
Ruth Gagliano